Page : International Prospects
Location : GM's Office - Player Development

General Description - From this page, you may view the international prospects your scouting staff has discovered.

View - Prospect info may be displayed in several different ways including Background Info, Current Hitting Ratings, Current Pitching Ratings, Current Fielding/General Ratings, Projected Hitting Ratings, Projected Pitching Ratings and Projected Fielding/General Ratings. The ratings categories are the same as those found throughout the game, but are solely based on the international scouting department.

Pos - You can narrow down the pool by selecting a position to view.

Negotiate - Clicking the 'Negotiate' link will begin the process of trying to land the prospect.

How does this work? - Throughout the season, your international scouts will discover prospects around the world (the higher your international scouting budget, the more players you'll discover). Once discovered, your franchise will have one week to outbid any other franchises that may have also discovered the player. If a week goes by and nobody signs the player, all the other franchises will have a crack at him, too. Remember to be patient, though. Some of the best prospects may not be uncovered until late in the season.

Additional information :Player Ratings | Player Statistics | GM Basics | Guide | Manual